Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is the fourth installment of the series of tactical shooters. Responsible for the production of the game studio Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft Bucharest and Ubisoft Red Storm. The story shows the struggles of a futuristic elite unit of the Russian ultra-nationalists. The player takes the role of commander of the 4-man company of soldiers and took part in a series of dangerous missions. The creators took care of a compelling story single-player campaign and extensive multiplayer options.
Conduct their activities in different parts of the world, including in Dagestan and Zambia. New Ghost Recon draws handfuls of the classics of the genre, using a very dynamic system covers. Future Soldier also puts strong aspect of the struggle in the group - the creators allow us to use the skills of synchronized eliminating enemies, after an earlier determination of our purposes. An additional advantage on the battlefield, it is also a special camouflage that makes your character lying down or crouching becomes invisible.
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